Monday, November 01, 2004


I'm pretty sure that every Presidential election is dubbed "the most important election in our lifetime" and this one is no exception. Tomorrow's outcome will come down to three states; Florida (again!), Ohio and Pennsylvania.
I can't imagine anyone still being undecided, but the one thing that should stand out in importance for all voters is the answer to the question: "Who would the terrorists want to see in the White House?" Answer that question and then vote for the other guy.
It seems that WAY too many Americans have forgotten or compartmentalized or somehow deemphasized the horror of 9/11. They seem to think that this war on terror thing is overblown and they go nuts when things don't go perfectly well in Iraq. WE ARE AT WAR! War by nature is mayhem and mistakes will be made.
It is too bad that our enemy is so wacked out that hatred toward America is their life blood. It's too bad that they are not all tucked neatly within the borders of one country with clear-thinking diplomats who can sit down with our guys and iron things out peacefully. The situation is what it is and we must continue to take the battle to them rather than wait here for another possible attack on our turf. We did not start this conflict, but I am proud of all American and our allies who are sacrificing so much to end it.


At November 2, 2004 at 3:13 AM, Blogger NodakJack said...

Saudi Arabia started this conflict. Why didn't we take them on? Could it be because the oil interests were perceived as being "easily" grabbed? I think we should fight the war on terror at it's source...Afghanistan was a good start. There have been no good decisions since then. Or not.


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